
Rental Program

Please complete the form below

Conditions and Procedures are as follows:

1) In order to be enrolled in the Aruba Beach Club Resorts Rental Program, the owner must complete this form and either fax or e-mail it to the Reservations Department at least 30 days prior to commencement of the owner’s week. All the owners’ maintenance and any other payments must be current as set forth in Article 21 of the Articles of Association in order to be enrolled in the Rental Program. Fax: (297) 5838191, E-Mail:

2) Upon receipt of this completed form, your suite will be entered into the Rental Program for your specific week along with any other available suites for rent also in that week. You may enter your unit into the Rental Program from 1 to 7 nights. Our goal is to rent all nights of your unit; however, the club reserves the right to rent your unit for less than the number of nights entered into the program.

3) Suites will be rented based ON entry date into the Rental Program, priority requirements i.e.; one bedroom, ocean view, or first floor only etc. If no priority requirements are specified, then suites will be rented based on date of entry into the Rental Program for that week assuming all else is equal.

4) The rental amount will be at full rack rate, which is defined as the published rental rate for the Aruba Beach Club Resort. There may, however, be times where the rental amount may be lower depending on circumstances as approved by the General Manager. All owners receive a 25% discount off rack rate.

5) Payment for 85% of the Rental Income will be made to the ownerwithin6 weeks after the week has ended as specified by the owner below.

6) All reservations are required to be prepaid in full at the time of booking. A full refund will be issued, only if a written notice of cancellation is received by Aruba Beach Club resort not later than thirty (30) days prior to arrival date.

7) Aruba Beach Club Resort will not call or e-mail rental status of the owners’ week. It is deemed the responsibility of the owner to contact the Aruba Beach Club Resort in order to receive rental status update by contacting the Reservations Department.

8) The owner may withdraw his/ her suite from the Rental Program at any time as long as it was not previously rented by the Aruba Beach Club Resort and the Aruba Beach Club Resort was so notified in writing. If you the owner wish to withdraw your unit from the Rental Program, please state in your request the following: If my week/ unit has not been rented, please REMOVE my week from the Rental Program. In either case, please notify me of the result.

9) An owners’ suite when enrolled in the Rental Program less than 30 days, will remain in the Rental Program until the last day of the owner’s week at which time it will be removed from the Rental Program. The owner is responsible for the daily energy surcharge and any other applicable charges for any unrented nights regardless of enrolment into the Rental Program or not as set forth in the Article 21 of the Association.

10) Any emergency will be taken cared of immediately and any room that is still vacant on Tuesday morning, whether it is in the Rental Program or not, will be subject to, and made available for major room maintenance work without any compensation to the owner. This is the only reasonable solution in order for our Maintenance Department to get the necessary repairs and maintenance done in our rooms to keep our Club a first-class timeshare resort. This may require relocation of a guest, which means that the owner of the room we relocate a guest will be compensated proportionately of the maintenance fee for that period.

11) Unless notified otherwise, the net rental proceeds will be “APPLIED TO YOUR MAINTENANCE FEE”

Please check mark your choice for payment proceeds should your week be rented. The selected payment method cannot be changed afterwards.

Additional questions?

Tel: +297-524-3005
Tel: +297-524-3006
Land: +011 297-524-3000
Fax: +297-583-8191

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